(Miami, Fla. – June 25, 2021) AMLI MidTown Miami received its Certificate of Occupancy (CO) from Miami-Dade County. The 6.6-acre site is located in the City of Miami, Florida; this pedestrian friendly project accommodates over 700 apartments in 3 separate mid-rise buildings.
Moments of respite in large global cities like Miami are treasured because they are rare. In an urban environment every outdoor space matters. At AMLI MidTown Miami landscape architecture created a lush neighborhood spanning three city blocks in the heart of Miami. It is an urban transformation of a former rail yard made more powerful through landscape architecture. In the era of COVID-19 restrictions perhaps forever changing urban life, AMLI MidTown is a new expansive environment for living in the middle of Miami.
The Boca Raton firm Landscape Design Workshop is the project landscape architect.
At ground level the project creates rich urban connections with verdant vegetation.
About Landscape Design Workshop
Landscape Design Workshop is an award-winning landscape architecture and planning design studio located in Boca Raton, Florida. The atelier studio specializes in designing resorts, resort-like communities and mixed use projects that embody the tropical lifestyle experience. Landscape Design Workshop aspires to enhance people’swell-being and quality of life through the visceral enjoyment of the outdoors.
Erez Bar-Nur, , founder and principalof Landscape Design Workshopis a passionate practitioner with a life-long interest in exploring the interface between people and their environment. He is a craftsman whose work employs outdoor spaces as a bridge connecting residents with their immediate environment, and by doing so, creating a symbiotic relationship that benefits both. His designs have been recognized in award competitions locally, by the Florida ASLA, as well as nationally & internationally, including the Muse Design Awards, the American Architecture Prize, the World Architecture and Design Awards, the Asia Pacific Design Center & International Design Awards. Erez is best described by the Muse Design Awards, the international competition for creative professionals, as one of the ‘designers whose craftsmanship shift paradigms’.
Located at 301 Yamato Road, Suite 1240, Boca Raton, FL, , Landscape Design Workshop may be reached by calling 954.772.0724, , or by email at info@landscapedesignworkshop.com
A sense of adventure beckons from multiple levels and myriad intimate spaces.
The 9th floor beach volleyball court doubles as an outdoor movie theater at night.